First certification authority created in Europe, GlobalSign is an innovative company providing constantly evolving products.
Issuing,among others,SSL,code signing and digital identity certificates, GlobalSign is an expert in mobile technology to cellular ans mobile devices.
GlobalSign is the first certification authotity to obtain 4 ISO standards: ISO27701:2019, ISO27017:2015, ISO27001 & ISO22301. They highlight the excellence showed by the authority regarding personal data management, cloud security and business continuity management.
TBS INTERNET welcomes GlobalSign certificates that can be installed on an unlimited number of machines, providing to its customers a larger commercial offer.
Time line
- 1996 : Creation of the certification authority
- 2006 : GlobalSign become a GMO member
Key numbers
- 140 000 SSL server certificates issued
- 1,4 millions of digital IDs and certificates issued
GlobalSign's certificates :
- Globalsign ExtendedSSL
- GlobalSign OrganizationSSL
- GlobalSign OrganizationSSL Wildcard
- GlobalSign UCC 3+
- GlobalSign HSM / Cloud solution
- GlobalSign EV Code Signing
- GlobalSign OV Code Signing
- GlobalSign DomainSSL
- GlobalSign AATL on token
What's more with TBS INTERNET:
- Discounted prices
- We provide fully documented technical and trading guides available in French
- The TBS "guidance option" is a step by step advices package that will help you during key phases such as the CSR request or the installation of your certificate